Play-Doh, the beloved modeling compound found in classrooms and homes worldwide, was never originally meant to be a toy. In fact, it started as a wallpaper cleaner in the 1930s.
Play-Doh, the beloved modeling compound found in classrooms and homes worldwide, was never originally meant to be a toy. In fact, it started as a wallpaper cleaner in the 1930s.
In Cincinnati, Ohio, a company called Kutol Products, owned by Noah McVicker, developed a putty-like substance to remove soot and coal dust from wallpaper. At the time, most homes were heated with coal, leaving grime on walls. The compound worked well because it was pliable and could be reused multiple times without damaging the wallpaper.
However, by the 1950s, coal heating became less common, and washable wallpaper was introduced—making the cleaning putty almost obsolete. Kutol Products faced bankruptcy.
How It Became a Toy
Enter Kay Zufall, a schoolteacher and sister-in-law of Joseph McVicker, who had joined the family business. She discovered that kids in her classroom loved playing with the wallpaper putty as a sculpting material. Seeing the potential, she suggested rebranding it as a children’s toy and even came up with the name “Play-Doh.”
In 1956, McVicker took the idea to market. With the help of a partnership with Captain Kangaroo, a popular children’s TV host, Play-Doh quickly became a household favorite. They launched it in three colors—red, blue, and yellow, and by 1958, it was a massive success.
From Wallpaper Cleaner to Playroom Staple
Today, Play-Doh is owned by Hasbro and has sold over 3 billion cans worldwide. What started as a practical cleaning tool became one of the most iconic children’s toys of all time—proving that sometimes, the best inventions happen by accident.
Pretty cool, right?