Vintage IT Services’ Workstation Backups

Vintage IT Services’ Workstation Backups

Vintage Workstation Backups

Vintage Workstation Backups


Without access to automated business backup, too many end-users either do not backup their devices or back them up to a consumer service. The result is inconsistent or non-existent backups on desktops and/or laptops.
The consequences are serious. Ponemon Institute conducted a study that averaged a loss of $37,000 for a laptop that had some data protection features. Laptops without backup or encryption came in at a whopping $56,000 loss. That means the average enterprise with 1,500 employees is potentially facing more than half a million in losses if just 10 employees lose or damage their laptop. The majority of that cost lies in the lost data stored on the laptop’s hard drive and the potential cost of data breaches that can result in misplaced devices getting into the wrong hands.
Vintage IT Services encrypts all backed up data prior to it being transferred to our data center. Should a laptop be lost or stolen, its data is already safe in the Vintage Cloud.
The process is safe and secure for end-users, who are able to access their backed-up data through a web portal or mobile app. This solution does not require any additional hardware. The only requirements are a workstation with an internet connection.
If you are interested in learning more about this solution or anything else that we offer please do not hesitate to reach out to us!