APIE trusts Vintage IT Services and their Classroom Coaches

APIE trusts Vintage IT Services and their Classroom Coaches

Austin Partners in Education is in need of Classroom Coaches. Vintage IT Services is the managed IT service provider for APIE. APIE’s volunteer-driven Classroom Coaching program is part tutoring and part mentoring. Volunteers work with students in elementary reading in English or Spanish, or middle school reading or math. www.austinpartners.org. Volunteers provide the weekly individualized attention crucial to student achievement and to students building a strong foundation for future academic success.

Classroom Coaches work with 2-3 students for 45 minutes once per week throughout the school year. This commitment enables Coaches to potentially make a real impact on the students’ academic performance and lives. Coaches choose the time, day and school location most convenient to them. APIE provides support via training and in-class coordination throughout the year.
Check out the website: austinpartners.org/volunteer.